Lattice method multiplication 3 digit
Lattice method multiplication 3 digit

lattice method multiplication 3 digit
  1. #Lattice method multiplication 3 digit how to#
  2. #Lattice method multiplication 3 digit series#

This is especially helpful when it comes to regrouping, as the numbers that are carried are also written within the grid to make the adding easier. Lattice multiplication utilizes a grid to keep numbers organized. How do you perform lattice multiplication? Looking for support with teaching this strategy and many others for multi-digit multiplication? See The Multi-Digit Multiplication Station (a self-paced, student-centered approach) HERE. If your students have mastered those mental math based strategies, and are ready for more, this is a fun one to teach!

lattice method multiplication 3 digit

I do believe that before you teach this method, you should focus on mental math strategies that DO encourage number sense understanding, such as the partial products strategy, or box/window method (area model). Once students have a solid understanding of the place value concepts behind multiplication, some can thrive with traditional methods such as long multiplication, or this alternative – lattice multiplication. So why would you want to teach this strategy? Now let me begin this post on lattice multiplication by saying that this is not necessarily one of those strategies that enhances number sense understanding.

#Lattice method multiplication 3 digit series#

We teach math in a way that enhances number sense understanding, so that students really understand what they are doing, rather than just memorizing a series of steps. We know that number sense is an essential component of today’s classrooms. Before I begin explaining this strategy, I do want to take a second to talk about multi-digit multiplication strategies in general. The first link is the worksheet itself with the second link having the answers.Lattice multiplication is an alternative to traditional long multiplication. You can also check out my lattice method of multiplication worksheet below. If you find this method useful, leave me a comment and let me know! Check out my video above as I walk you through a few examples of how it is performed. The lattice method is fairly easy to use once you know how it works.

#Lattice method multiplication 3 digit how to#

How To Perform Multiplication Using The Lattice Method Despite the fact that both procedures involve breaking out the numbers, multiplying them, and then putting them together, there are some significant changes in the way they’re written down. The lattice method of multiplication is a different approach to long multiplication than the formal written method. This is also a valuable multiplication approach since it gives students a model to follow to verify that the numbers are aligned correctly. This can assist students in seeing the many procedures and better understanding how to multiply numbers. This is a useful way for breaking large numbers down into simple math. However, it can also be applied to bigger multi-digit figures. It’s typically utilized when multiplying two-digit integers by two-digit numbers.

lattice method multiplication 3 digit

Lattice multiplication, often called Chinese multiplication, is a way of multiplying integers. What Is The Lattice Method Of Multiplication? The lattice method of multiplication is an alternative way to multiply multi-digit numbers.

Lattice method multiplication 3 digit